...大约 4 分钟
- 2023-09-30 更新,包括新版中的自定义过滤器等新特性
Filters|过滤器 | Sort|排序 | Group|分组 | Display|展示 | Scripting | JavaScript脚本 |
Status|状态 | ||||
done not done | sort by status | group by status | task.isDone | |
status.name (includes, does not include) <string> status.name (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i | sort by status.name | group by status.name | task.status.name | |
status.type (is, is not) (TODO, DONE, IN_PROGRESS, CANCELLED, NON_TASK) | sort by status.type | group by status.type | task.status.type | |
task.status.symbol | ||||
task.status.nextSymbol | ||||
Dates|日期 | ||||
done (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> done (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has done date no done date done date is invalid | sort by done | group by done | hide done date | task.done |
created (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> created (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has created date no created date created date is invalid | sort by created | group by created | hide created date | task.created |
starts (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> starts (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has start date no start date start date is invalid | sort by start | group by start | hide start date | task.start |
scheduled (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> scheduled (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has scheduled date no scheduled date scheduled date is invalid | sort by scheduled | group by scheduled | hide scheduled date | task.scheduled |
due (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> due (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has due date no due date due date is invalid | sort by due | group by due | hide due date | task.due |
happens (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> happens (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has happens date no happens date | sort by happens | group by happens | task.happens | |
Recurrence|重复 | ||||
is recurring is not recurring | sort by recurring | group by recurring | task.isRecurring | |
recurrence (includes, does not include) <string> recurrence (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i | group by recurrence | hide recurrence rule | task.recurrenceRule | |
Priority and urgency 重要|紧急 | ||||
priority is (above, below, not)? (lowest, low, none, medium, high, highest) | sort by priority | group by priority | hide priority | task.priorityName task.priorityNumber |
sort by urgency | group by urgency | show urgency | task.urgency | |
File properties|文件属性 | ||||
path (includes, does not include) <path> path (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i path includes {{query.file.path}} path includes {{query.file.pathWithoutExtension}} | sort by path | group by path | task.file.path task.file.pathWithoutExtension | |
root (includes, does not include) <root> root (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i root includes {{query.file.root}} | group by root | task.file.root | ||
folder (includes, does not include) <folder> folder (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i folder includes {{query.file.folder}} | group by folder | task.file.folder | ||
filename (includes, does not include) <filename> filename (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i filename includes {{query.file.filename}} filename includes {{query.file.filenameWithoutExtension}} | sort by filename | group by filename | task.file.filename task.file.filenameWithoutExtension | |
heading (includes, does not include) <string> heading (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i | sort by heading | group by heading | task.hasHeading task.heading | |
group by backlink | hide backlink | |||
Description, Tags and other odds and ends 描述,标签和其他 | ||||
description (includes, does not include) <string> description (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i | sort by description | task.description task.descriptionWithoutTags | ||
has tags no tags tag (includes, does not include) <tag> tags (include, do not include) <tag> tag (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i tags (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i | sort by tag sort by tag <tag_number> | group by tags | hide tags | task.tags |
task.originalMarkdown | ||||
Scripting JavaScript脚本 | ||||
filter by function | group by function | |||
Combining Filters组合过滤器 | ||||
(filter 1) AND (filter 2) | ||||
(filter 1) OR (filter 2) | ||||
NOT (filter 1) | ||||
(filter 1) XOR (filter 2) | ||||
(filter 1) AND NOT (filter 2) | ||||
(filter 1) OR NOT (filter 2) | ||||
(filter 1) AND ((filter 2) OR (filter 3)) | ||||
Other Filter Options 其他过滤器选项 | ||||
exclude sub-items | ||||
limit to <number> tasks limit <number> | ||||
limit groups to <number> tasks limit groups <number> | ||||
Other Layout Options其他布局选项 | ||||
hide edit button | ||||
hide task count | ||||
short mode |
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