
coffeebean...大约 4 分钟




  • 2023-09-30 更新,包括新版中的自定义过滤器等新特性
Filters|过滤器Sort|排序Group|分组Display|展示Scripting | JavaScript脚本
done not donesort by statusgroup by statustask.isDone
status.name (includes, does not include) <string> status.name (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/isort by status.namegroup by status.nametask.status.name
status.type (is, is not) (TODO, DONE, IN_PROGRESS, CANCELLED, NON_TASK)sort by status.typegroup by status.typetask.status.type
done (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> done (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has done date no done date done date is invalidsort by donegroup by donehide done datetask.done
created (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> created (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has created date no created date created date is invalidsort by createdgroup by createdhide created datetask.created
starts (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> starts (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has start date no start date start date is invalidsort by startgroup by starthide start datetask.start
scheduled (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> scheduled (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has scheduled date no scheduled date scheduled date is invalidsort by scheduledgroup by scheduledhide scheduled datetask.scheduled
due (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> due (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has due date no due date due date is invalidsort by duegroup by duehide due datetask.due
happens (on, before, after, on or before, on or after) <date> happens (in, before, after, in or before, in or after) ... ... YYYY-MM-DD YYYY-MM-DD ... (last, this, next) (week, month, quarter, year) ... (YYYY-Www,YYYY-mm, YYYY-Qq, YYYY) has happens date no happens datesort by happensgroup by happenstask.happens
is recurring is not recurringsort by recurringgroup by recurringtask.isRecurring
recurrence (includes, does not include) <string> recurrence (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/igroup by recurrencehide recurrence ruletask.recurrenceRule
Priority and urgency 重要|紧急
priority is (above, below, not)? (lowest, low, none, medium, high, highest)sort by prioritygroup by priorityhide prioritytask.priorityName task.priorityNumber
sort by urgencygroup by urgencyshow urgencytask.urgency
File properties|文件属性
path (includes, does not include) <path> path (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i path includes {{query.file.path}} path includes {{query.file.pathWithoutExtension}}sort by pathgroup by pathtask.file.path task.file.pathWithoutExtension
root (includes, does not include) <root> root (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i root includes {{query.file.root}}group by roottask.file.root
folder (includes, does not include) <folder> folder (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i folder includes {{query.file.folder}}group by foldertask.file.folder
filename (includes, does not include) <filename> filename (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i filename includes {{query.file.filename}} filename includes {{query.file.filenameWithoutExtension}}sort by filenamegroup by filenametask.file.filename task.file.filenameWithoutExtension
heading (includes, does not include) <string> heading (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/isort by headinggroup by headingtask.hasHeading task.heading
group by backlinkhide backlink
Description, Tags and other odds and ends 描述,标签和其他
description (includes, does not include) <string> description (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/isort by descriptiontask.description task.descriptionWithoutTags
has tags no tags tag (includes, does not include) <tag> tags (include, do not include) <tag> tag (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/i tags (regex matches, regex does not match) /regex/isort by tag sort by tag <tag_number>group by tagshide tagstask.tags
Scripting JavaScript脚本
filter by functiongroup by function
Combining Filters组合过滤器
(filter 1) AND (filter 2)
(filter 1) OR (filter 2)
NOT (filter 1)
(filter 1) XOR (filter 2)
(filter 1) AND NOT (filter 2)
(filter 1) OR NOT (filter 2)
(filter 1) AND ((filter 2) OR (filter 3))
Other Filter Options 其他过滤器选项
exclude sub-items
limit to <number> tasks limit <number>
limit groups to <number> tasks limit groups <number>
Other Layout Options其他布局选项
hide edit button
hide task count
short mode



贡献者: coffeebean
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